by bar1scorpio » Wed May 15, 2013 8:46 pm
Discussions of this week also make me want to post in this thread in regards to statements here from last week.
Rebecca isn't a true sociopath. The unfeeling part, unaware part, are disproven by her feelings of guilt and her inability and lack of attempt to justify her actions. She may be in some kind of trauma-induced self destructive cylce though. Tyring to get punished because she feels she deserves to be.
Gus Cramer, however, scores on the mark for Antisocial Personality Disorder and Narcissitic Personality Disorder. The fact that he *thinks* he's supposed to be Alpha, and isn't, is at the core of his behavior, and the denial of his 'destiny' justifies everything he does, in his mind. He feels no shame, no guilt, no remorse for anything that furthers his goals. He thinks that being a werewolf makes him not only better than every baseline human out there, but above their sense of "law" as well.
Noah, OTOH, should be pointed out to be just a jerk. Egotistical, yes, but failing on APD & NPD spectra mainly because he's at his core, an honest person. He doesn't actively lie or manipulate, just he has a swollen sense of self that he bacls up with his athletic, academic & financial performance. And he busts his ass out on the field.
"Then again, I'm Gary Busey. Who knows what the f-ck I'm talking about." - Gary Busey