I don't know if it was Kris or Ben but
somebody was having fun with the sound effects on this page.
Also it sounds like the dream sequence is ending. "Coises!"
You guys really need to stop doing such awesome fantasy sequences because those inevitably have to end.
Just like Happygun said, ending pose is excellent. Ben does a great job showing off characters from a low angle.
Definitely looking forward to see how the actual plot of this chapter start, considering how far things have come from the start (recently reread everything). I'm betting we got back to the school scene, but other than that there's a lot of open plot so I can't say which path we'll take.
Edit: And aw, I was thinking of see more of the cast as super heroes in Sarah's mind. Peter as Robin and Noah as Mister Freeze-the
Batman and Robin version. Ah well, Peter probably wouldn't fit in tiny green shorts anyway.