
The works presented on this site are © 2005 their respective creators/owners. White Lightning Productions makes ownership claims only on content provided by WLP for this event and on no other content submitted to or hosted on this site. Do not repost, copy, alter or redistribute the content on this website except where specifically authorized.
Previous Comic
Whoops! You've gone through the comics we have so far- but more comics will be posted now through Sept. 21, and maybe even beyond that! Keep checking- or if you're an artist, contribute some work of your own and keep the donations going- see below! WE NEED MORE COMICS!
White Lightning Productions is hosting a special online event to raise funds for the American Red Cross in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.
Proceeds from all sales, donations and auctions will go 100% to the American Red Cross. This site will be updated several times with new comics and new charity auctions- so keep coming back to see the new stuff, and keep donating to help Katrina survivors in their hour of need!
We welcome any other web creators who'd like to auction stuff off, collect donations, or raise money in whatever other fashion to help the Red Cross assist refugees from Louisiana, Mississippi and Arkansas... and to replenish its reserves for the next disaster. By banding together, we can raise the visibility of everyone's efforts- and thus raise more money for the Red Cross!
- The strip does NOT have to be adults-only itself. A number of you don't actually do explicitly adult material, merely material which is for mature audiences. I personally would prefer strips related to Katrina- how your characters dealt with the storm or helped with the aftermath- but it's not strictly necessary.
- Let me know at redneck@wlpcomics.com if you'd like to participate. WE ARE STILL TAKING STRIPS and will continue taking them through September 21, 2005.
- Do a comic. Don't put the comic title in the image itself, and keep the width to 600 pixels or less. Comics wider than that may be resized prior to posting, depending on how the web page design comes out.
- Email the comic to redneck@wlpcomics.com , along with the name of your comic, the URL you'd like linked to, and any charity auctions or donation premiums you're offering.
- Spread the word. Post links to this website using any of the banners on the index page, http://www.wlpcomics.com/telethon/ . If you know other comic creators who you think would like to participate, by all means forward this email to 'em!
Also check out and support Blank Label Comics' Webcomic Hurricane Relief Telethon!