Roast me at the stake will ya? , hell it's bad enough that tyrant has plans on using me like a human pinata when i go to suspend again this fall...
And for the record the ONLY time I smell of bacon is when I cook breakfast for MST3K Sundays ( a bit of an old tradition , many many moons ago , when mystery Science Theater 3,000 was still on the air here I would cook breakfast for everyone , and we would make fun of the "schlock du jour" that was shown:D )
k-mac , the bacon chosen for said breakfast was lean , after all I don't want to be stuck doing even more sit-ups...
And tyrant , I think I have proven well enough that I'm fairly flame retardant ( barring the one time you overcharged my lighter causing me to burn a bit of my mustache off!
) , that and I'm NOBODY'S minion...
anywho , welcome to the board Mahna Mahna ! , hope you enjoy it here , and joking with ya at the wlp party was a blast!
"Who wants waffles? , there like pancakes , but with little syrup traps!"
( Over heard at one of the many MST3K Sundays...