Tyrant mayhaps I should tell the story of "Mr. Goodwrench" , saying as you think of me ( foolishly i might add...
) as a "minion" , wasn't that as you put it?
And the reason of his creating YET ANOTHER....nailbat is simple , sure he has access to far better , but for sheer intimidation (in the "oh gods does this look like its ever gonnah hurt dept.
) , a nailbat is really hard to beat...
I do suppose I an guilty in a small sense , as I'm going to trim the ends of the nails off into spikes for him , but it could be far worse , i could just spool about 10ft. of barbed wire tightly onto it , and , proceed to weld razors into the seams of the barbed wire...
That or I could just cannibalize a stun baton , and wire all of that metal to be conductive and carrying a current of about 85,000 volts ( I can only imagine just what the snapping , poping , and unmistakable "electric" sound would do to the intimidation factor...
But if I did that , I would be just enforcing queen's view on me , and that would be predictable and "boring" , that's no fun.....But working on the aforementioned products may be...
Is it wrong that I sold him the nails , and helped him choose a propper bat?