by Kris@WLP » Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:03 pm
Having watched the eps now, I gotta say... not my favorites, and definitely NOT something I'd show to a non-brony for a first exposure. Both episodes singularly lacking in the random insanity that's the main draw for me. The script, with very few tweaks, could have been a G1 script. Especially part 1; part 2 is MUCH MUCH better, part 1 actually made my head hurt.
Still, there were some definite good points:
(1) The first song- the BBBFF song- was sweet without being vapid and saccharine, and the reprise at the end of part 1 was a real kick in the gut.
(2) The escape from the mine: minor Moment of Awesome for the Princess there, looked beautiful, very well paced.
(3) Bridesmaid joke. Yes, it was lame, but it worked and they got past it quickly.
(4) "Meh, I've seen better." followed by Pinkie using Twi as a machine gun.
(5) Luna. "Did I miss anything?"
Other positive points: well, the changelings are very interesting baddies well executed, especially the character being called Chrysalis. She gives good gloat.
But the main negative: the main plot in the first episode was handled so conventionally it could have had a checklist. "Fail doppelganger test? Check. Interact with clueless friends in ways that reinforce your suspicions while providing no proof? Check. Be the sole witness to proof positive of your suspicions? Check. Discredited like the scientist in Body Snatchers? Check. Confronted by the imposter at the moment of utter defeat? Check. Well, that's the first half done." It felt like a frog-march to me: no surprises, no twists, and too little MLP:FiM unique flavor. (On the other hand, for little kids who've never encountered the whole doppleganger plot line before, it's an excellent tutorial. And I hope Friendship is Dragons gets round to skewering it SOON.)
If I'd done it, I would have made one major difference that would have made it a lot better: I'd have avoided putting the doppelganger-check scene at the first interaction Twi had with the changeling queen. Twi could have seen how she treated AJ and Rarity, had some suspicions, and -THEN- have them validated when she didn't remember the filly game dance thing. The "trust your instincts" moral would have been retained. Instead my brain is still screaming, "She DOESN'T REMEMBER! You spent YEARS with her and she DOESN'T REMEMBER! IM BLOODY POSTER! DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! GET OTHERS WHO KNOW HER TO TEST HER!"
One other minor issue: if Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle were as inseparable as the song says... how come Twilight, who picks up on all sorts of magic, can't do SA's forcefield spell herself? Seems she'd have ample opportunity to learn it... or did I miss something there besides the need for the Power of Love to triumph?
OK, feel better now. Back to sorting through the mountain of stuff I cleaned off my desk and watching Mythbusters.