Well- noticed this today:
http://www.bronyland.com/pony-personality-test/So I'm going to go through some of the WLP characters, give their answers, and see what comes up. (Note: answers listed are test result + 2nd highest spike on graph.)
Peter (fave color black) - Applejack / Fluttershy
Sarah (fave color yellow) - Twilight Sparkle / Rarity
Jean (fave color black) - Rainbow Dash / Pinkie Pie
Butch (fave color red) - Rainbow Dash / Applejack
Milkmaid (fave color red) - Applejack / Fluttershy
Chocolate Milkmaid (fave color yellow) - Rarity / Pinkie Pie - Applejack tie (nearly 3-way tie)
Chichi-chan (fave color blue) - Pinkie Pie / Fluttershy (Rarity & Applejack also strong)
Shiroi (fave color white) - Pinkie Pie / Fluttershy (and absolutely nopony else)
Oh... and my own? Pinkie Pie / Rainbow Dash. ....... um, what?