Earnings previous week: $50
Earnings last 24 hours: $200
What a difference uploading an adult page with the start of a threesome makes, eh? If you're looking for more ideas for low cost perks, I have a few:
PostersYou've already got some sweet cover art for the books, so make them into big glossy posters. You could offer them individually for cheap or all of them as a bundle.
CalendarsA character themed calender with a different picture for each month. Why not? You've already got a few holiday themed pics in the gallery. Just come up with some more for New Year's, Halloween, Thanksgiving, etc. How about a Carla Goodwin pic for Mother's Day in May? Gus Cramer for Father's Day in June? Doctor Abe for April Fools?
Personally, I still think you'd sell more Captain's Table pages if you allowed at least one OC.