That is, for those not in the know, City of Lost Angels, inside Second Life, where I am one of the few non-humans in the Syndicate, an organization of humans fighting to survive after Armageddon, in a world where everything is either trying to eat, abuse, enslave, or torture everyone that isn't one of them.
I am definitely into a fair number of comics that involve non-humans, but few of them are adult (or not behind a pay wall. I mean, I don't mind paying, if it was single access, and I knew I could trust that I wasn't being scammed by someone just reposting someone else's work, but... how the hell do you tell, if you don't give them a credit card first?) Anyway, when I spotted Peter Is The Wolf, I just had to start reading.
Not quite as much of a fan of the, "bigger than sane boobs are amazing", genre, but.. well, just means I probably won't be reading much of the others. lol
Hmm. Can't see my ears in the AV image. Still, its better than the last one I tried, which was way too dark, so you couldn't see any other detail either. Kind of wish sites allowed a tad bigger ones though, its hard to cram a decent image into 100x100, especially at 32-bit color. I had to dump it down to 256 colors since it was like 5k too big, and then its just a blurry copy of the original 249x296 I green screened out of Second Life, from my in-world AV, slapped over "way" too little of a fragment of a sci-fi street scene.