Waht are we Thankful for? (besides the obvious bewbies.)
Thu Nov 22, 2007 3:16 pm
by bar1scorpio
I'm thankful for... despite all the stress of conventions and comics, seeing people having a good time because of my efforts.
Thu Nov 22, 2007 8:47 pm
by Kris@WLP
I'm thankful that my cousin with six kids and zero parenting skills didn't show up to today's family get-together.
I'm thankful that the green bean casserole, for once, wasn't an excuse to mix salt, salt, salt, and salt, and then garnish with salt.
I'm grateful a certain large check came in that will allow me to pay about $500 for bar codes for next year's publications, $700 for taxes, $150 for car insurance, and $200 for Christmas presents tomorrow. Might even stretch that a bit to put down money for certain conventions.
And last but not least, I'm grateful to squishables.com for buying a month of ad space on the PitW site- both for the actual cash and for nudging me to update the ad rates and put them up on the online store.