Fight! Sexy Amazon Hulk-chan! Chapter 2

"When Titans Clash Their Tetons!"

I now live with two Jyusenkyo-cursed people. (I don't count Uncle Genma; he may have a curse, but he's not a person, he's a stomach with legs, and anyway if it were my choice I wouldn't live anywhere near him.)

You already know about Ranma Saotome. Now, somehow, my younger sister Akane has also recieved a curse, one more complex, and more destructive, than changing sexes when splashed with water.

Apparently, my little sister is cursed to undergo a strange and frightening transformation whenever she is angry. She transforms from a normal Japanese schoolgirl into over seven feet of green muscle, voluptuous and wild... Sexy Amazon Hulk-chan.

Hulk-chan is everything my sister isn't- openly sexual to the point of perversion, self-confident, even vain. She openly proclaims her love for Ranma Saotome- something Akane would never do. However, they share the same hair-trigger temper... oh, and each of them want to be cured of the other.

I don't know yet if hot water will change Hulk-chan back into Akane- haven't had a good opportunity to try it. I did learn last night that other emotions other than anger can cause Akane to change; apparently anything that really gets the adrenalin flowing, like extreme arousal, will also do it. Thankfully the change seems to require high levels of emotion to begin; otherwise I think Akane would transform every five minutes.

Now we're heading to the beach while our home and dojo are repaired. It's going to be tough work keeping Akane's little secret at the crowded seashore... almost as tough as keeping Hulk-chan from ripping off all her clothes and running around with those huge balloons on her chest bouncing after Ranma. The future of the Tendo family- and Akane's future happiness- depend on my success in both efforts.

But what will we find at the beach to set off Akane's transformation? That's what worries me...

-- from the Journal of Nabiki Tendo

Cologne was ancient, the shriveled husk of what had, long ago, been the most beautiful warrior the Amazons have ever known... but her eyes were still in excellent shape. She read Nabiki's hasty typing with great amusement, then pogoed over the Tendo fence on her cane before Nabiki could see her through the window.

So the Tendos were going down to the sea, hm? Just barely time to put her own plans into action. She hopped from street-level straight into a second-floor window at the Nekohanten, dropping off her cane and using it to awaken Mousse in the usual manner. "Lazy idiot boy! Wake up!"

Mousse rubbed his head, reaching for his glasses. "What do you want, you old hag?"

"Son-in-law is going to the beach for a couple of weeks with the Tendos," Cologne said. "Get the hand-cart packed. I want the Cat Cafe set up on the beach in time for the lunch rush."

"Set it up yourself," Mousse grumbled. "I have no desire to chase after that philandering Saotome, especially since I hear he has yet another girl on his string."

"Is that your final answer?" Cologne said quietly.

"You've been watching too much American TV, old ghoul," Mousse grumbled, rolling over in his bed. Before he could get back to sleep, Cologne slid her cane under his body, effortlessly lifting him up and out of bed and rolling him into the hall.

"Get moving, boy," Cologne grumbled, "or I won't let you see Shampoo in her new bikini."

"Shampoo? Bikini?!"

"Get yourself dressed, then hurry up and pack. I'm not getting any younger."

It was amazing how quick a male would move, given the proper motivation. Cologne herself still wondered at it now and again... but it served her purposes. Up she hopped to the roof, where she found a trio of exhausted pigeons tethered to a medium-sized package. Apparently the village hadn't even bothered to hold a council. Good. Her plans would go forward even sooner than she'd hoped.

She arrived in Shampoo's tiny room just as her great-granddaughter had finished dressing. "Oh, good morning, Great-Grandmother!" Shampoo smiled. "Is too too beautiful day, yes?"

"Despite your idiotic late-night excusion, yes," Cologne sighed, and Shampoo blushed guiltily.

"Shampoo not know you know she gone," Shampoo said.

"Never mind that now," Cologne said. "We're going to the seashore. Son-in-law is going there, so you can be sure your rivals will get there one way or another."

"Is true," Shampoo said. "Shampoo must leave at once!"

Cologne rarely whacked Shampoo with her cane as she did Mousse, but this time it was called for. "Idiot!" she snapped. "Do you forget that this Hulk-chan woman will likely also show up? And defeat you yet again?"

Shampoo's eyes narrowed. "Shampoo caught by surprise," she said. "Next time Shampoo beat Monster Girl Hulk-chan!"

"Yes, you will," Cologne said, "but not without some help. If you are to defeat Hulk-chan, you will have to match her strength."

"How Shampoo do that?" Shampoo asked. "No training make Shampoo as strong as Monster Girl."

"I sent for something from the village," Cologne said. "With this, you will be more than a match for Hulk-chan." She held out the package, and Shampoo ripped it open, revealing a large, bright red ruby.

The ruby glinted with the light of the single bulb overhead. The hexagonal gemstone was larger than Shampoo's fists, yet surprisingly light in her hands. Shampoo thought that, as she looked at it, it looked back at her. "Too too strange gem," Shampoo said. "What is it?"

"This is the Ruby Eye of Cyttorak," Cologne replied. "It contains the power to transform any person into an unstoppable Juggernaut."

"Aiyah! Good!" Shampoo giggled, jumping with glee. "Um... what a Juggy-naut?"

"Juggernaut," Cologne said. "Jaggonath, known to the West as Juggernaut, was thought by some Hindus to be the fifth Earthly avatar of Vishnu. In any case he was a mighty warrior, never defeated in battle. To this day one city in India still worships Jaggonath by pushing a massive wheeled cart in his effigy through the streets, crushing all that stand in its path. That is what the Juggernaut is."

"Oh," Shampoo nodded. "And this gem change Shampoo into Juggy-naut?"

"JugGERnaut," Cologne sighed.

Shampoo gingerly picked up the gemstone, noticing for the first time tiny imperfections... no, lines, moving lines, within the ruby's depths. "There strange wriggly writing inside gem," she said, squinting her eyes. "It keep moving as Shampoo look at it."

"That's part of the stone's magic," Cologne said. "Read it."

"Um... it in Chinese now. So strange.. (Whosoever layeth hands this gem shall gain the power of the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak. Henceforth, ye who readeth these words shall become forevermore a human juggernaut.)" Shampoo jerked her hand back as the ruby suddenly came alive with a brilliant red light; the ruby stuck to her hand, coming off only when Shampoo brushed it against her dress, clinging to the upper slopes of her bosom.

The ruby's glow spread like pink flame, covering Shampoo head to foot in its light. She groaned as she felt the power of the living gem slamming into her body, pushing its way into every fiber of her being and... expanding. From her toes to her head she could feel an enormous wave of raw strength cover her, suffuse her, become her.

The snaps of her already too-tight silk dress parted as Shampoo's muscles began to grow. Her shoulders broadened with bone and muscle, pulling the top of the wrap-around garment wider and wider open. The hem of the dress rose above her hips as she grew taller, revealing simple white panties growing tighter and tighter against her swelling butt.

Shampoo groaned as she pulled open her dress, the ruby clinging to her chest and ripping through the fabric rather than be carried away. Pleasure rocked Shampoo on her feet as the ruby once more touched her bare flesh, nestling between her rapidly swelling braless breasts. Larger and larger they grew, pushed upwards by the building muscle of her chest and ribcage, until the gem vanished inside Shampoo's deepening cleavage.

Shampoo brought her arms up to caress her own swelling hooters, gasping as the feel of her flexing biceps sent shockwaves of pleasure through her body. She flexed her legs, always shapely, but now filled with a might she'd never known before. The resulting warmth sent her to squirming, her hands roving over her body, stroking her hard belly, her wide, shapely hips, the stiff, thick nipples atop her newly titanic breasts.

The remains of Shampoo's dress ripped apart as her shoulders flexed forward and out, splitting the back top to bottom. Her panties snapped apart as her waist and hips grew beyond the snapping point of the elastic. Still her muscles continued to grow, her bones continued to expand, until with a flash of light the glow of the ruby vanished, as had the ruby itself. The final flare of light left behind short bracers around each of Shampoo's wrists, colored the deep earthen red of ancient clay.

Shampoo fell to one knee, breathing heavily, her naked breasts bouncing with every gasp. "So... good... too too good," she panted, trying to right herself once more. She reached up to where the ruby had lain, probing within her deep cleavage, then pushing her gargantuan tits aside (with difficulty) to look at her own sternum. "Aiyah!" she gasped. "Where huge gemstone go?"

"Its power is now yours," Cologne replied. "It will remain yours until your dying day." Which, incidentally, has just been greatly postponed, but no point in confusing you with that knowledge just now.

"Shampoo like this power!" she said, bouncing slightly on her heels (and thus shaking the entire Nekohanten from rooftop to foundation). "Shampoo is -true- Juggy-naut! Too too juggy!" She groped her tremendous breasts playfully, giggling, "Shampoo can't wait to show Ranma how juggy I is now!"

Cologne shook her head, giving up there and then on correcting Shampoo. If she wants to be the Juggy-Naut, fine, so long as we get Ranma to sire ten or twelve children in the process, she thought. "Now try summoning your armor," she said. "The power of the gem includes impermeable armor at the command of the wearer."


"(Impermeable,)" Cologne said in Chinese, not bothering to explain it in Japanese. "Whack your armbands together."

Shampoo crossed her arms and brought the bracers together with a crack like thunder. A flash of light filled the room, dying away to reveal Shampoo clad in an outfit of sleeveless armor, thick boots and hard leggings jointed at the knee, thick smooth breastplate, and a broad, round helmet that joined to the breast and back with several bolts.

Shampoo gazed at herself in the mirror. "Aiyah! This no good! Shampoo look like brown ice cream cone!" She beat at her helmet with her fists. "No can see Shampoo beautiful face!" She pulled at the leggings. "No can see Shampoo shapely legs!" She tried to grab the smooth breastplate away. "No can see Shampoo too too huge juggies!"

Finally giving up on removing her armor by hand, she held up her arms and stared at her bracers. "Stupid armbands try again, get it RIGHT this time!" Once more, even harder than before, she slammed her armbands together, and this time when the light faded Shampoo smiled with approval at her new armor.

Cologne looked on with exasperation as Shampoo posed at the mirror. The large, hard armor had been replaced by a flexible garment that might as well be a swimsuit. The one-piece pushed up Shampoo's enhanced cleavage to new heights (or depths), the armor barely coming above her nipples and descending, tapering, to a narrow strip that barely covered the crotch and asscrack. As armor it was practically useless.

"Now Monster Girl Hulk-chan watch out!" Shampoo crowed, flexing her arms and thrusting her chest forward towards the mirror. "Not get between Shampoo and Ranma... because NOTHING STOP THE JUGGY-NAUT!"

Akane flinched as the beach house's porch creaked alarmingly under her feet. Now I know how Dad got this beach house for free, she thought, making it down to the relatively stable sand dune piled against the house's worn, half-rotten pilings.

The house had, once upon a time, been the home of a fisherman; some old stumps of his pier still stood in the surf beyond the water's edge. Whatever time that had been, it had been before the War- there was no hot water at all, only a handful of electrical outlets, and a multitude of holes in the walls. The windows were a mixture of glass and paper. The floors were uneven, creaky, and even broken in a couple of places. Akane's room in particular listed some ten degrees to one side where the pilings on the edge of the building had sunk deeper into the sand.

The house sat on a sliver of property squeezed between two large resort hotels; its owner had refused all offers and coercion to sell out. Unfortunately, the current owner didn't have the money to fix up the house himself, and the government had threatened to condemn the property if it wasn't occupied all the time. In order to avoid losing the house, the owner was offering it free of rent to anyone who would make 'a few minor repairs.'

It was an offer only an idiot would accept.

The two Mr. Idiots, Tendo and Saotome, were currently hard at work on the roof, patching large holes in the wooden shingled roof. Mrs. Saotome, looking surprisingly elegant in a modest one-piece swimsuit, also stood on the roof, katana unsheathed and at the ready, to insure that the fathers kept to their work. Kasumi had taken one look at the kitchen, declared it off limits to everyone else, and shut herself inside.

This left Nabiki, Ranma and Akane free to disport themselves as they saw fit. Ranma, choosing to yield to the inevitable, had already gone girl; she wore her favorite swimsuit, a low-cut one-piece that generated a hypnotic level of cleavage in the neckline that belied the kanji for 'Boy' written just under that neckline. Nabiki wore a scandalous bikini, not skin-tight and skimpy but loose, prone to shifting, and giving the impression that a stiff wind would blow it completely off (and it just might).

Akane, for her part, wore three different layers. The top layer was an oversized T-shirt extending to her knees. Underneath that was a plain, even stodgy one-piece with a ridiculous skirt- the one she'd used for her failed swimming lessons.

Underneath that, as an emergency measure, was one of Nabiki's string bikinis, with the strings stretched out as far as they would go. If Akane failed to hold her temper, Nabiki had said, the string bikini just might prevent Hulk-chan from landing on page 3 of the Tokyo tabloids the next day.

Of course, the strings underneath Akane's normal swimsuit meant she couldn't let anyone see it (if she could help it). The loose bikini kept shifting against her body in uncomfortable ways, and now and again she wondered if she could rearrange things without looking like some sort of pervert.

Between her beachwear, the beachhouse, and the usual irritation of being in close proximity to Ranma Saotome, Akane found herself taking deep, calming breaths nearly all the time. She held on to her temper in both hands, even though the world seemed to conspire against her to make her lose her cool, including both Nabiki and Ranma. Both her sister and her sex-changed fiancee kept looking at her as if she were dynamite waiting to explode; knowing just how right they were didn't make the stares any less annoying.

(Akane didn't know that Nabiki had already taken Ranma aside and told the redhead that Akane was trying to learn to control her temper, and that any deliberate efforts to make her lose it would not be appreciated. Thus, although Ranma worried that something was very wrong with Akane, at least he wasn't trying to get her to act like normal.)

Determined to have a good time despite her foul mood, Akane ran off into the surf and splashed around a bit, letting her toes sink into the wet sand. She didn't dare go any deeper than knee level- she sank like a stone in calm water, much less a lively ocean- but she enjoyed flirting with the water and letting it cool her off on summer days like this one.

If only I could swim, Akane thought, then this would be the perfect vacation. Might as well wish to be free of the curse, though. She shuddered as she thought back to what Nabiki had told her of the previous night. To think that somewhere inside her was something that wanted to make the Epileptic Monkey with Shampoo...

Akane's shudder of revulsion- or delight?- was interrupted by a particularly large rogue wave that came up just in time to engulf her head to toe. The water receded to leave Akane soaked, cold, and with her T-shirt plastered against the swimwear underneath.

"Hey, cutie," someone shouted to her, "there's a wet T-shirt contest tonight at the Happy Chrysanthenum! Wanna come? I'll vote for you?"

Deep breaths, Akane thought, willing away the heat that built up inside her, deep breaths, keep your calm, don't let her get control...

Just as she'd brought her blood pressure under control, he heard the surprised scream of Ranma from the beach. She rushed out of the surf, shocked to see, of all people...

"Oh, my darling pigtailed girl!" Tatewaki Kuno had Ranma-chan in an embrace more unbreakable than any sumo wrestler's hold- as Ranma-chan herself could attest, frantically working every possible angle to break free. "To think that idle fate would bring us together once more in such an unlikely place! Truly it is the blessing of the gods upon our union!"

"Lemme GO, you FREAK!"

All the anger that Akane had dissipated in the surf surged back to life with a renewed ferocity. How dare that moron hit on Ranma? she thought, followed immediately by, What do I care what happens to Ranma? In any case, it didn't involve her, so she decided to go back to the surf and cool off some more.

"And the beauteous Akane Tendo!" Arms wrapped around her, hugging tightly. "The gods' blessings know no limits! How else could the two true loves of my life arrive upon the beach on the very day that the Kuno family opens its new coastal resort! Akane Tendo and the Pigtailed Goddess, I WILL DATE WITH YOU!!!"

A vein bulged, pulsing, from Akane's temple. When Tatewaki Kuno, 18, recently graduated Blue Thunder of Furinkan High, wrapped his arms around her, her ever-feeble grip on her temper shredded away like wet paper. She didn't give any thought to consequences, much less consequences of the 2.3 meter tall, green and busty kind.

With all the fire of her righteous anger surging through her veins, her eyes aglow with a dangerous green light, she spun around in Kuno's arms. With a shout of, "KUNO, YOU DUMMY!" she launched a fist upwards in an uppercut that even Hulk-chan could have been proud of.

With a final dwindling cry of, "I shall return!" Kuno vanished into the summer sky, courtesy of Air Akane.

Akane remained standing, arm extended, body trembling as her anger continued to build within her. She could feel things happening throughout her body, feel her heart thundering at twice its normal pace, felt every muscle clenching and unclenching with urgency. The heat inside her felt so wonderful, so glorious... she found herself craving more, wanting the feeling to grow until it overwhelmed her.

She could also feel something... happening... to her mind... it was getting harder to think with every moment. Already she felt a bit giddy, dizzy, as if she'd overexerted herself in the sun... and somewhere in there she thought she could feel something Else stirring...

I... musn't change here, Akane thought, looking around her with green-tinted eyes. Everyone... watching... And indeed, everyone was watching. Kuno's antics had attracted the inevitable crowd, and with Kuno gone that crowd was now intensely focused on the girl who had launched him airborne, and who now appeared to be in the early stages of an epileptic fit.

Nabiki had been watching the whole thing, and hadn't managed to intercept Kuno before he made the critical error of embracing Akane. She saw the green in Akane's eyes, and in an instant's inspiration, she moved to give Akane the one thing she needed most (besides a cure)... a distraction.

The two thin straps which held Ranma-chan's bathing suit up against gravity and the pressure of her bosom slipped off effortlessly under Nabiki's fast-moving hands. Those hands reached up from behind Ranma-chan, despite the redhead's panicked protests, and fondled those firm, full, melonesque breasts.

"LESBIANS AND GENTLEMEN!" Nabiki shouted. "Feast your eyes on the finest example of feminine pulchritude in all of Japan today- TOPLESS!" The shout immediately drew away every eye in the crowd, and the sight of Ranma's big titties being fondled by a girl with attributes only slightly smaller held their attention.

Akane's gaze was also caught, and fighting down the power that already began to stretch her swimsuit and T-shirt, she saw Nabiki's head jerk meaningfully towards the house up on its pilings, sheltered by the large dunes from view. With almost the last of her willpower, she urged herself to a stumbling run towards the rental house, unheeded by a crowd mesmerized by the frantic, embarrassed struggles of a female Ranma Saotome.

Nabiki, meanwhile, kept up the act. "Yes, my friends, stare in wonder at such unblemished perfection! She may be small, but she's fully developed- indeed, my friends, she has been gifted by the magic of nature with the body of her dreams!"

Once Akane was out of sight, Nabiki released (with extreme reluctance) Ranma's boobs, reaching down to her purse. "Now, having seen the real thing, might I offer a selection of prints to commemorate this all-too-brief vision of beauty! Two thousand yen for swimsuit photos, five thousand for topless, and I am accepting bids for the one fully nude shot! Supplies are limited, so buy now or miss out!"

The crowd broke up at this point, although a significant number of people returned with wallets (or, in a few cases, purses). Ranma-chan was kept from stalking off in pursuit of Akane through a quick reference to the money he owed Nabiki. Nabiki pulled the supply of photos from her purse and opened up shop, all the time worrying about what was happening under the rental house.

Run... run... run... Akane's control had dwindled to that one thought by the time she reached the shadows of the beach house. Already her hair had grown past her shoulders, those shoulders stretching the T-shirt tight, ripping apart the old one-piece swimsuit underneath. Under the pilings, surrounded by the dunes, out of sight, she surrendered herself to the anger, to the power ripping herself apart and rebuilding her.

Bulging muscles ripped the short sleeves of the T-shirt asunder as the transformation took complete control of Akane's body. Her legs grew longer, shapely yet still bulging with ever-greater power. The T-shirt rode up past her hips, showing off her hardened ass even as it burst its way through Akane's old swimsuit, leaving only the tiny bottoms of the borrowed string bikini in its place.

Akane's breasts ripped their way out of the old swimsuit, nipples drawing lines of tension across the ever-shrinking T-shirt. The back of the shirt ripped wide open as Akane's torso outgrew it completely, leaving the rags to dangle down from a neck thickened with muscle and breasts heaving with every breath against the thin dam of cotton.

Green suffused Akane's skin, a rich, vibrant green just visible in the shadows beneath the rental house. Slowly she stood, ripping away the last remains of the T-shirt to free her immense hooters. The last remains of Akane's swimsuit followed a moment later, the hated skirts falling to the sand atop the shirt-rags.

Sexy Amazon Hulk-chan smiled as she inspected the remnant of her clothing. Nabiki's bikini made a valiant effort to contain the gamma girl's femininity, but all it managed to do was keep her from indecent exposure, and that not by much. The bikini top's lower string didn't even reach the undersides of Hulk-chan's magnificent breasts, the cups just barely adequate- with some adjustment- to cover the stiff nipples and puffy auroleae. The bottoms clung to Hulk-chan like a second skin, although with a little careful adjustment they managed to cover up her pubic hair and crotch. Unfortunately, no adjustment could stop them from revealing almost every inch of her ass. Some G-strings didn't show off so much gluteus.

Ranma-chan might have been the sexiest girl on this beach once, she thought, but now Hulk-chan is here to wow even her! ... Him! ... Who cares, I wanna get laid!

Meanwhile, on the roof, the previous generation of the Tendos and Saotomes continued patching shingles.

"Pass me some more tacks, Tendo."

"Here you are, Saotome. Doesn't this remind you of the old days?"

"Indeed it does. Rebuilding towns the Master had ravaged..."

"Working off the debts for the Master's food and thefts..."

"Those were nightmare years, Tendo, but at least they are over."

"Indeed. Compared to then, this task is quite mild by comparison. And the sea breeze is quite pleasant."

"Quit gossipping and get back to work, husband! And you as well, Tendo!"

"Y-yes, Nodoka!"

"At once, my wife!"

"That's better. Perhaps this vacation will teach you the folly of accepting things which are- oh my, who is that?"

"Hm? Oh, that's that Hulk-chan person headed towards our son. My wife, perhaps we should stop her, else the schools may never be united!"

"I wonder what she was doing under the house?"

"No, not her! I mean, who is that over there?"

"If it wasn't for the fact that she's over two meters tall," Soun Tendo said, "I'd say that was Shampoo."

"Shampoo?" Nodoka asked. "You mean my son's darling young concubine from China? My, how she's grown!"

"Impressive how she can carry that food cart on one arm and shoulder like that, isn't it, Tendo?" Genma noted.

Soun's eyes teared up with an impending flood. "Oh, my poor Akane," he whimpered, "now a second giant has come to steal away your fiancee. OH, THE SCHOOLS SHALL NEVER BE UNITED!"

Nodoka whacked Soun's head with the flat of the blade. "Get back to work! You'll rust the roofing nails."

Soun's crying ceased as if Nodoka had shut off his faucet. "Yes, Nodoka!" he said, bending back to his repair work.

Genma chuckled, only to get the flat of the blade for his own efforts. "That goes for you too, worthless husband!"

"As you wish, my beloved wife."

Walking across the sand from the dunes, we see Sexy Amazon Hulk-chan, clad in a most inadequate bikini, making a beeline for the spot where Nabiki is selling off photos of Ranma-chan in various stages of undress. Ranma-chan herself has just wriggled her breasts back into the confines of her own swimsuit, an awkward and difficult process which Hulk-chan, had she been present to witness it, would have much appreciated.

Walking along the sand from another direction, this one running parallel to both dunes and surf, is Shampoo, the Unstoppable Juggernaut- or, as she phrases it, 'Juggy-naut.' She also has spotted the distinctive red hair, short stature, and voluptuous curves of Ranma-chan and has increased her strides. Unfortunately, the yattai she carries on one arm blocks her view of Hulk-chan... but Cologne, riding atop the yattai, has seen Hulk-chan and is prepared, at a moment's notice, to leave her perch before Shampoo drops it for battle.

Watch the lines intersect, and prepare for collision...

"... and I hear fourteen thousand yen once, fourteen thousand yen twice, fourteen thousand yen for the third time- SOLD! to the exceptionally ugly gentleman in the far too tight speedoes. Enjoy the photo, it's probably as close as you'll ever get with that belly. And that concludes our sale, as our supply of photos is, alas, deplet-"

Nabiki noted the large shadow falling over her and changed her patter. "Although if you come tomorrow, you will have the opportunity to purchase similar photos of the mighty Amazon behind me, the sexiest monster you'll ever meet, the Warrior of Lust and Justice, Sexy Amazon Hulk-chan! So go home and raid those piggy-banks, folks, because supplies are limited and we do -not- take American Express."

"What kind of photos of me?" Hulk-chan asked dangerously.

"Oh, come on, now," Nabiki smiled, turning to face Hulk-chan. "Yesterday you were quite willing to let everyone in the world see every inch of your body. I'll take some pictures of you today, have them developed overnight, and tomorrow we'll have all the money we need to buy you a complete wardrobe."

"Did you ask my darling Ranma if you could take nude photos of me?"

"I honestly hadn't thought of doing so," Nabiki replied.

"Well, then," Hulk-chan said, leaning forward to face Ranma; her bountiful boobs, tenuously contained by the bikini top at best, popped out under the cups to hang, firm and free, almost in front of Ranma's nose. "Ranma, darling, would you mind if Nabiki took naughty photos of me and sold them to buy me clothes?"

Ranma blushed, tongue-tied beyond all response.

"Clothes," Hulk-chan continued, "which you could rip off me just before you ravished my hot, willing body with every last centimeter of your massive-"

"NIHAO!" The sound of a food cart being dropped to Earth startled all involved, including Hulk-chan. "Shampoo here with lunch for Husband, too too good- AIYAH!" Shampoo stared at Hulk-chan with a shocked expression, followed by rapidly building anger. "What Monster Tit Woman doing showing off goods to Shampoo husband?"

Hulk-chan, for her part, just stared at Shampoo in shock. Shampoo had gone overnight (so far as Hulk-chan knew) from being a voluptuous, athletic, but -small- Chinese woman to a titanic figure of femininity equalling her own might. "What the hell happened to you? Did you drink some radioactive milk or something?"

Shampoo smirked. "Ancient Chinese Amazon magic. Now Shampoo is unstoppable Juggy-naut!" She stepped forward proudly, the earth-red swimsuit-armor struggling to hold in Shampoo's much enhanced rack. To everyone's shock, she actually pressed those massive pink boulders against Hulk-chan's matching set in green, grinning as they smooshed together. "See? Now Shampoo more juggy than Green Tit Monster! More fit to be Ranma wife!"

This was entirely the wrong thing to say. Although Hulk-chan was, indeed, just a tiny fraction smaller than Shampoo the Juggy-naut, that changed as a surge of renewed anger flooded through the gamma-cursed woman's body. Muscles and bone shifted slightly, pushing Shampoo back as Hulk-chan's tits rebounded from the squish. "You are not taking my darling Ranma away from me," Hulk-chan rumbled softly. "You cannot defeat me. Hulk-chan is the strongest- and SEXIEST- one there is!!"

"Oh YEAH?" Shampoo said, raising her fists to the ready, her arms bulging with hew own power. "You WRONG, Monster Girl! NOTHING stop the Juggy-naut!"

"This isn't martial arts," Ranma grumbled, "this is brawling."

Cologne nodded agreement, although the statement wasn't quite true. Hulk-chan and Shampoo both seemed content to stand flat-footed on the beach sand and exchange hammering blows in the fashion of boxers. However, each blow was deflected away harmlessly by skilled forearm blocks before it could land. Even these glancing, defleced blows send out claps of thunder so loud as to scatter any spectators less skilled (or uncaring of danger) than Ranma Saotome and his... her... whichever... peer group.

"Both those girls are thinking with their muscles," Cologne replied. "Best they get this trial of strength out of their system."

Ranma-chan grunted her agreement, watching the fight while trying not to stare at Hulk-chan's bikini top flapping loose, useless against the heaving and swaying of her mountainous breasts. (To be fair, she was having only marginally less difficulty staring at how Shampoo's 'Juggy-naut' armor just barely concealed the crack of the Amazon's butt. Both girls were showing off far too much flesh, all of it shapely, for her comfort.)

"Why don't you get in there and break it up, Son-in-Law?" Cologne asked. "After all, they are both your fiancees."

"Are you nuts?" Ranma-chan said. "Let 'em fight it out. It's got nothing to do with me."

"But you happen to be the prize of this little bout," Cologne smirked, her incredibly wrinkled face stretching into an even more hideous shape. "These two women are fighting to see which one will be your bride."

"I told you, old ghoul," Ranma-chan replied, "I'm not married to Shampoo. And as for this Hulk-chan," he blushed a little, "sure she seems a bit familiar and all, but I'm sure I never met her before in my life. We ain't engaged, and we're not gonna be!"

"Oh?" Cologne smiled. "Would you like to say that so that she can actually hear it?"

Hulk-chan, meanwhile, didn't hear a word of Ranma and Cologne's conversation. Every punch Shampoo blocked made Hulk-chan more frustrated, angrier... and stronger. Her punches began to speed up, her wide haymakers drawing closer to her body, becoming rapid-fire jabs interspersed with forearm sweeps to knock away the Juggy-naut's retaliatory blows. Shampoo responded in kind, her punches speeding up, keeping time with Hulk-chan's accelerated strikes.

The thunder of flesh upon flesh built louder and louder, rolling like thunder across the beach. Arms began to blur as the two towering titanesses brought their full speed and reflexes into play. The battle was no longer one of raw power, but of quickness, and it ended when Shampoo brought a right jab through Hulk-chan's defenses and into her chin, sending her voluptuous green body flying tens of meters down the beach, plowing a deep furrow into the sand upon landing.

"HA! Shampoo win!" Shampoo turned around, smiling happily at Ranma. "Now Shampoo claim prize! Ranma date Juggy-naut now, yes?" Slowly Shampoo walked towards the stunned redhead, hips swaying, breasts bouncing softly with every step. Ranma-chan blushed, unable to turn her eyes away from Shampoo's barely-contained cleavage, from the bare legs, from those lusty eyes that stared so hungrily at her...

A wall of green slammed down between Ranma and Shampoo. Ranma blinked, then blushed as he found himself equally unable to look away from the tiny strap of red fabric that ran down into Hulk-chan's buttcheeks, only to emerge just broad enough to cover her mons. Awkwardly she crossed her arms over her own generous bosom, hiding the hard points of her nipples from public view.

"I will NOT let you take Ranma away from me!" Hulk-chan snarled, lunging forward and grabbing Shampoo by the shoulders. The jade giantess braced her feet in the sand, pushing Shampoo back for just a few inches before she, too, braced herself.

"Juggy-naut not be stopped!" Shampoo shouted, leaning forward, driving one foot in front of the other. The sand shifted under Hulk-chan's feet, and she pushed back as hard as she could. Green muscles bulged, green eyes glowed with fury, and yet every step drove Hulk-chan's feet back and down into the sand. Shampoo kept pushing forward, not even bothering to place hands on Hulk-chan, driving her back on sheer leg power.

Hulk-chan's leg buckled, and she wavered. Shampoo, sensing weakness, drove herself forward that much harder. "Juggy-naut stronger than stupid Monster Tit Woman," she crowed. "Stronger, smarter, and with bigger ho-hos even! Give up and leave Shampoo's husband alone!"

"An opening!" Hulk-chan grunted in reply, and she rolled onto her back, her hands still gripping Shampoo's muscular shoulders tightly. With a yelp of surprise Shampoo fell forward, unprepared for Hulk-chan's shift of momentum. A bare green foot pressed itself into Shampoo's gut, and with a surge Hulk-chan launched the Juggy-naut into the air... towards the ocean.

Shampoo looked down, saw the surf growing closer beneath her. "No, no, no, no, no, NO, NO-"

Shampoo, supposedly the Unstoppable Juggy-naut, fell into the Pacific with a massive splash, sending a plume of foam skyward at least ten meters high. The foam splashed back into the ocean, the ripples faded into the normal waves of the seashore, and no sign remained of the seven-foot-tall purple-haired super-Amazon.

"Well," Hulk-chan sighed, "that's that." She walked the short remaining distance to Ranma, noting Cologne pogo-hopping on her staff over to the Nekohanten's food cart. "Hey, old woman," she shouted, "you should teach your granddaughter not to butt into conversations between a man and his lover."

"LOVER?" Ranma-chan gasped.

"Yes? You called, Ranma?" Hulk-chan smiled brightly. "What is it? Can I find you some hot water?" She licked her lips as she added, "I know just where I'd like to pour it!"

"Don't you believe you're counting my granddaughter out of the fight just a little too soon?" Cologne asked.

"Oh, please," Hulk-chan smirked. "Right now Shampoo is a little kitty swimming against the riptide trying to find her way back to shore. Shampoo brand Instant Loser, Just Add Cold Water."

"Are you quite so certain?" Cologne pointed her staff back out to sea. Hulk-chan saw, of all things, a wake, a furrow in the water being drawn by a tiny splotch of violet fur moving at extreme speed.

Shampoo-neko hit the sand running, her forepaws clad in the same style of bands Hulk-chan had noted covering Shampoo's wrists earlier. The little kitten moved at incredible speed across the sand, yowling defiance as she launched herself high in the air, paws spread, ready to drop directly onto Hulk-chan's head.

"Granddaughter! Catch!" Hulk-chan turned around just in time to see Cologne open the yattai, revealing not a grill or food but a large supply of teakettles, each spout steaming. The old woman launched one of these kettles high into the air, and Shampoo-neko bared her claws in anticipation.

"Instant Juggernaut," Cologne smirked, "just add hot water."

"Not if I can help it!" Hulk-chan shouted, leaping skyward.

Nabiki almost dropped the camera from her fingers as she saw Cologne throw the full teakettle. She began running forward as she saw Hulk-chan jump to intercept the kettle. Too slow, too damn slow, oh hell why didn't the stupid girl THINK...

Helplessly running towards the impending disaster, Nabiki watched as Hulk-chan's fist knocked the teakettle away, sending it spinning... and splashing Hulk-chan all over with steaming hot water...

Robert Bruce Banner's personal curse is well known to the world in general; the curse of an abberant genetic structure combined with the terrible power of gamma radiation to produce an angry green monster.

What isn't commonly understood is that Bruce Banner, aka the Incredible Hulk, is the victim of a number of curses from a great number of individuals. Cursed to never know lasting happiness, cursed to be hated and feared by all, cursed to fail at any effort to cure himself, cursed to suffer a paper cut on his left ring finger on alternate Thursdays (this from a frustrated former lab assistant)...

... well, the Hulk was a spectacularly accursed being when his landing in the valley of Jyusenkyo created the Gamma Spring.

These curses fought against the native magic of Jyusenkyo in the creation of the spring, each struggling to impose itself on its new victims, particularly the first victim, Akane Tendo. Jyusenkyo's magic, in turn, fought for its own dominance, countering as many curses as it could manage.

In the end, those curses which corresponded with the basic function of Jyusenkyo merged with Jyusenkyo's magic, while those curses which had nothing to do with those functions were expunged. Akane Tendo might well know love, she probably would not be hated and feared by all, and she was certainly in no more danger of paper cuts than anyone else on any given day... but she was doubly cursed, without her knowledge, against ever finding a cure for her Hulkish condition.

More to the point, the Gamma Curse and Jyusenkyo Curse more or less united. Jyusenkyo really didn't care -how- its victims were forced to change, so long as they changed under certain difficult-to-avoid conditions. With so much of its energies dissipated in neutralizing foreign and hostile curses, the Jyusenkyo Curse had none to spare to defend its preferred trigger- water.

Cologne wouldn't figure this out for years afterwards, after another encounter with Bruce Banner. None of the others would ever know, or understand, why things worked the way they did. (In fact, only Nabiki knew at the time that anything was -supposed- to happen, but the others... well, that's another story.)

Although a badly overstretched red string bikini top did fall to Earth without its wearer, it was only after that wearer herself had landed, totally unaffected by a sudden splash of hot water... well, almost so, since the dark green skin of her shoulders and tremendous bare breasts seemed a little darker from the hot water.

"There!" Hulk-chan grinned, reaching out and snatching the falling Shampoo-neko from the air as Nabiki gaped in shock. "No hot water for you, little kitty!" she giggled, dangling the angry purple kitten by the scruff of the neck in front of her face.

Shampoo hissed, swinging her little clawed paws at Hulk-chan's face.

"Aw, does widdle kitty wanna fight the big bad Hulk-chan?" Hulk-chan smirked triumphantly, leaning her head in until it was just out of reach of Shampoo's swipes.


Hulk-chan removed the crushed teakettle from her head and stared into the eyes of a furious Juggy-naut, hair still steaming from the hot water in the second kettle. A yank of long purple hair hung from Hulk-chan's fingers in place of violet fur. Aside from the ever-present armbands, she stood naked, muscles rippling as she clenched her fists once more.

"Shampoo... you... I... you..." Shampoo's angry eyes bored into Hulk-chan's own green eyes. "I am going to KILL you!"

"Try it, kitty," Hulk-chan growled. "I don't care how big your tits are now, your head can still be crushed like-"

"Hey, that's ENOUGH!"

Both women stopped cold, separating slightly as the much shorter Ranma-chan pushed them apart. "I ain't gonna have either one of ya talkin' 'bout killin' ANYBODY," Ranma-chan said. "Understand? Anybody who thinks they'll get me by killin' my friends better think again!"

Shampoo had the good grace to look away, ashamed. She had disappointed her Airen. She wouldn't win his heart by eliminating this obstacle. Why was life so cruel?

Hulk-chan, on the other hand, missed Ranma's point completely. "Oh, I KNEW you loved me, Ranma darling!" she shouted, picking Ranma-chan up in her arms and hugging the redhead tight to her massive bosom, almost burying Ranma-chan's head between her huge tits.

Ranma-chan kicked helplessly against Hulk-chan's grasp. "Hey, lemme go, lemme GO!" she tried to shout, but the full, firm funbags in her face muffled the sound. Strange, how familiar the smell was, somehow... a light, spicy scene she knew she'd smelled somewhere before...

Shampoo grabbed at Ranma's arm and tried to pull her out of Hulk-chan's arms. "Hey! You no hog Shampoo airen to yourself!"

"Let go of my darling Ranma!" Hulk-chan shouted back, not loosening her own hug.

On second thought Ranma-chan thought, it's kind of comfy in here. Warm, soft, and such a familiar, comfortable smell. I could get used to this, if Shampoo would just let go of my arm. He actually nuzzled his way a little deeper into Hulk-chan's cleavage, a movement that sent Hulk-chan groaning with delight.

Nabiki walked up behind Hulk-chan and tapped the huge green woman on the shoulder (stretching up a little to manage it). "Um, Hulk-chan? Maybe Ranma would like some air now?"

"Air?" Hulk-chan looked down, noticed for the first time just how deeply Ranma-chan's face was buried in her bosom, and gasped. "Oh, I'm sorry!" She loosened her grip, and she and Shampoo both steadied Ranma-chan on her feet as the redhead gasped for fresh air. "Are you all right?"

"Never better," Ranma-chan said, and promptly flopped face-first onto the hot beach sands.

"Well," Nabiki sighed, "congratulations, ladies. First you shock Ranma out of his mind, then you get him pissed off at both of you, and then you almost suffocate him. Way to impress him."

This time even Hulk-chan shifted uncomfortably on her feet.

"Now we're going to settle this once and for all," Nabiki said quietly. "We're going to sort out which one of you gets to have Ranma... if EITHER of you do, since there are other claimants for his hand."

Both Hulk-chan and Shampoo sniffed derisively at this notion.

"Fortunately," Nabiki smiled, "I have exactly the means to determine who is suited to court Ranma Saotome. Obviously," she drawled, "the two of you are each strong and skilled enough to keep up with Ranma fighting... but which one of you can keep up with him in bed?" She looked over at Ranma-chan, who was blushing deeply enough to be mistaken for an Indian. "After all, you'll have to make love to him, boy or girl, once you're married."

"Aiyah!" Shampoo gasped in exasperation. "We all try that last night!"

"Yeah," Hulk-chan growled, the momentary weakness of her shame erased by new anger from last night's embarrassment. "Four women in Ranma's bedroom, all sexing each other up thinking the other was Ranma-chan!"

"Really?" Nodoka Saotome materialized almost instantly next to the two naked giants, starry-eyed and smiling rapturously. "My son has women sneaking into his bedroom to prove themselves? Oh, how MANLY!" She hugged her son (daughter, whichever) even tighter than Hulk-chan had, driving the air from Ranma-chan's lungs. "Oh, I'm so PROUD! You're going to give me SO MANY grandchildren!!"

"(Ranma mother have good hearing,)" Shampoo murmured, watching the dust settle between the rental house rooftop and the spot on the beach where they stood.

"Unfortunately," Nabiki said, "it appears that Ranma is saving himself for marriage... or for someone, at any rate. As witness last night, when he stumbled across three naked, willing young women, and turned around and left rather than do anything improper."

"As it should be!" Nodoka nodded. "Only a loose woman, suitable only to be a concubine, would give up her virtue before marriage."

"Er... it's manly to have women trying to fuck you... but a woman who wants to fuck you can't marry you?" Hulk-chan's brow knotted in confusion. "That makes my brain hurt trying to figure it out."

"So how we prove we best wife, if we can no ride husband?" Shampoo asked.

"Its quite obvious," Nabiki said. "You use your sexual wiles on each other! First one to climax is the loser and has to acknowledge the other's right to Ranma Saotome." She pulled out a camera and slid a fresh roll of film in. "Of course, I'll record the whole thing for prosperity- um, I mean posterity."

"We know what you meant," Hulk-chan rumbled.

"And of course my son and I will witness the whole thing and act as judges!" Nodoka smiled.


"Well, perhaps just myself," Nodoka sighed, looking down at the unconscious red-head with the blush and matching nosebleed. "My son is rather excitable."

The bed in the rental house's master bedroom was just barely large enough to accommodate Hulk-chan and Shampoo's massive bodies. Hulk-chan's firm breasts pressed hard against Shampoo's as the two clung together less out of lust or affection than the need to stay on the bed. Both girls' full, hard butts poked out at the edge of the mattress.

Sitting on folding chairs brought in from the porch, Nabiki and Nodoka watched the two girls squirm against each other. Nabiki had already expended a full roll of film on that alone, and she would have taken more if she'd had more than three rolls remaining in her purse. Nodoka ignored Nabiki, watching the two women on the bed with intense focus.

"The first woman to bring the other to climax is the winner," Nodoka said. "The loser may not impede that woman's efforts to court my son in any way. If either woman leaves the bed for more than ten seconds, she forfeits. Let the duel begin!"

"Shampoo have too easy win," the Juggy-naut smiled, sliding one hand immediately between Hulk-chan's legs to stroke the dark green lips of her sex. "You so sticky already, you no resist Shampoo loving!"

Hulk-chan's spine jerked in a violent shudder as Shampoo's hands lightly rubbed her labial folds. "I... I dunno," she gasped, "I handled you pretty well last night." Her hands reached up to caress Shampoo's tremendous breasts, stroking the hot flesh around and around, drawing tremors of pleasure from the Juggy-naut. "Your breasts seem at least as sensitive as before."

"You titties plenty sensitive too," Shampoo gasped, working her other arm up to cup Hulk-chan's left breast. Unlike Hulk-chan's gentle, careful touch, the Juggy-naut's touch was rough and awkward, groping and squeezing Hulk-chan's titflesh between her fingers, unable to get it all within her grasp. Her palm ground and rubbed against Hulk-chan's stiff nipple, even as her other hand found and began to stroke the green woman's clit.

"UNGH!" Hulk-chan gasped, involuntarily giving Shampoo's breasts rough squeezes of her own. Shampoo's fingers worked faster and faster, frigging her clit roughly, and despite herself Hulk-chan found her hips rocking back and forth against the Amazon's hand.

"Ah ah ah," Shampoo grinned, withdrawing her hand from between Hulk-chan's legs. "Shampoo not want you lose so fast... Shampoo love you long long time!" She slid two fingers into the hot, clenching velvet of Hulk-chan's hole, pumping deeply for a few strokes before pulling them out to lick off the honey. "Hmmm, too too delicious pussy," Shampoo said. "Shampoo eat every last drop!"

Pulling away from Hulk-chan's groping, Shampoo slid her body down and over hers, bringing her head down to Hulk-chan's junction. With a loud purring sound she set to work, licking away industriously at the soaked cunt lips. Her chin rubbed against Hulk-chan's pubic hair, her tongue sliding in and out of her hot labia again and again, lapping up everything that dripped from her hot hole.

For her part, Hulk-chan could barely move, paralyzed by every wave of pleasure. So good! So DAMN good! Gods, I want more! she thought. But I have to get control somehow- if I lose this, I lose my darling Ranma!

From outside the decrepit rental house, Cologne listened with mild amusement to the groans and moans echoing from the back bedroom. She had no real interest in the contest which, at the moment, her great-granddaughter seemed to be winning. Not only would Amazon law not recognize any restriction upon Shampoo's marriage to Ranma, but if Cologne's suspicions were correct, Shampoo had lost that battle when Hulk-chan had thrown her into the ocean.

Cologne made her way across the sand away from the beach house. Shampoo had disappointed her deeply in her battle with Hulk-chan. The power of the Ruby Eye of Cyttorak had gone straight to her head and, apparently, erased every bit of martial arts training Cologne had put there. Shampoo had allowed Hulk-chan every opportunity to defeat her, and in Cologne's opinion, only Ranma-chan's intervention had saved Shampoo from an ignominous defeat... or a publicly witnessed stalemate, which from an Amazon point of view amounted to the same thing.

The Ruby Eye was our most precious treasure, Cologne thought. It is only removed from the Ruby Yacht of Omar Khayam when our very existence is in danger. Its power, once granted, cannot be removed... and Shampoo's ineptitude has wasted its power entirely. Granted, Shampoo had at best an outside chance in courting Ranma; anyone with a drop of intelligence could see that he had already made his choice.

Of course, that leaves out virtually everybody in this crowd, Son-in-Law included, Cologne chuckled, and that leaves me the faint hope I have remaining of getting him away from this insane asylum called Japan and back to our tribe.

Speaking of Ranma-chan... Cologne spotted the redhead sitting off towards the surf, staring out at the rollers coming in from the wild Pacific. She hopped her way over to her, saying, "I'm surprised to see you here, Son-in-Law. Most red-blooded males I've known would give their arms to watch two women getting it on."

"Um," Ranma-chan blushed, not looking in Cologne's direction.

"It's not like you're at all shy about the female form," Cologne smiled. "How many times have you been in the womens' baths in your cursed form?"

"Don't feel like gettin' hit," Ranma-chan replied sullenly.

"Hit by who?" Cologne said. "This Hulk-chan makes no bones about wanting to screw you silly, and I assure you Shampoo would be just as pleased to service your every desire."

"There'd be somebody," Ranma-chan replied.

"Perhaps you refer to Akane Tendo," Cologne said. "But I shouldn't worry about her. I haven't seen her anywhere around since we arrived, oh, hours ago."

Ranma-chan blinked. "Hey, you're right!" She looked around the beach for the short-cut black hair and all-covering T-shirt. "She ran off after she slugged Kuno! She might be in trouble!"

"Oh, I'm quite certain she's capable of taking care of herself, Son-in-Law," Cologne smiled.

Ranma-chan glared at the Amazon elder. "You... you've got some kinda scheme, haven't you?" she asked. "What have you done with Akane?"

"Goodness me, I haven't done anything with young Ms. Tendo," Cologne replied. "I don't know why you would suspect me of doing something to her."

"If you've hurt Akane, I'll..." Ranma-chan didn't complete her threat; instead, she went dashing down the beach, looking frantically for Akane.

Cologne chuckled to herself. That was too easy.

The headposts of the bed broke off in Hulk-chan's hands as another convulsion of pleasure rolled through her brawny body. Shampoo's tongue had every nerve in her pussy firing, sending electric jolts up her spine, to the tips of her fingers and toes, and especially to the stiff peaks of her quivering boobs. I have to hold out, she thought frantically, I must not cum first! I won't give up my darling Ranma!

Hulk-chan's hands grabbed at the mattress, the powerful green fingers digging deep into the fabric. She had lost all control over this battle; the only reason she hadn't been defeated was that Shampoo kept toying with her, bringing her to the brink and then leaving her panting, hungry for the finishing touch, desperate to cum and equally desperate not to. Every touch Shampoo laid upon her mound, every lick of her clit or nether lips, every breath made Hulk-chan even hornier than before. Shampoo was playing her body like, well, like an organ.

A particularly tender kiss on Hulk-chan's cunt wrung a grit-teeth whimper from the green giantess, and her arms flexed involuntarily, her fists ripping chunks out of the mattress. Gasping for breath, Hulk-chan stared at her arms, seeing for the first time the immense lumps of muscle bulging up with her every move. I wasn't that big before, she thought.

Shampoo gave Hulk-chan another breather at this moment, mocking her with words Hulk-chan didn't pay any attention to. She looked down at her body, noting that it had grown, and grown significantly, since the duel began. When before her body just barely fit on the bed with knees bent and head bowed, now her torso leaned against the wall and headboard, while her feet pressed against the footboard. Her arms and legs were thicker with new muscle, their definition more clearly defined than before, her formerly flat belly turned into a striated six-pack of abs. Even her breasts had grown, even further out of proportion with the rest of her.

I get stronger when I get horny, Hulk-chan thought in a moment of lucidity. I'm a good bit bigger than this Juggy-naut Shampoo's become now... Shampoo, her mockery finished, bent her head down to continue her licking, and Hulk-chan thought, I have to take control of this duel- NOW!

Shampoo lay across Hulk-chan's lower body. Her breasts pressed against Hulk-chan's left hip and side, her head bowed down into her thickly-furred muff, but her legs hung off the side of the bed, her ass sitting full and free beside Hulk-chan's arms. She's vulnerable, Hulk-chan thought, let's see how SHE likes being eaten out!

Even as Shampoo slipped her tongue between Shampoo's labia, preparing to finish her off once and for all, she felt two huge hands grabbing her thighs and lifting. With a yelp of surprise she felt herself dragged backwards along the bed, her legs being spread, and then her own sticky pussy felt, for the first time, the hungry touch of Hulk-chan's tongue.

Unlike Shampoo's slow, tender licks, Hulk-chan attacked Shampoo's pussy with rough, fast strokes. Her tongue lapped up and down the Amazon's slit, back and forth, pressing hard against the tender, puffy flesh. These rough kisses and licks sent Shampoo to squealing, her skin rippling as the mystic-powered muscles of her body convulsed with her own waves of pleasure.

Desperate to reclaim her dominance, Shampoo dragged herself forward, returning her tongue to Hulk-chan's quim, returning the rapid-fire strokes with her own rough pussy-eating. Honey dripped from her chin as she struggled to keep up her licking and sucking despite the convulsions of delight rolling like waves up from her twat. She slipped her tongue into Hulk-chan's folds and wriggled it wildly, trying to push her over the edge.

Then Hulk-chan's hands shifted their grip from Shampoo's smooth, powerful thighs to her tremendous jugs, and Shampoo's will turned to jello. Powerful fingers squeezed and kneaded sensitive tit-flesh, pinching nipples, rubbing and rolling over Shampoo's gazongas. All the while Hulk-chan's tongue plunged in and out of Shampoo's quivering quim, lapping out the thicker and thicker flood of the Amazon's fuck juices with an enthusiasm that trumped any technique.

Shampoo's head snapped back as Hulk-chan's lips closed on her stiff little clitoris, pulling it from its hood, and sucking with superhuman power. The powerful hands massaging her breasts, the massive rack rubbing against her belly, the lips, teeth and suction applied to her clit, combined in converging explosions of pleasure, meeting in her innermost depths and exploding outward again multiplied a thousandfold. With her back arching backwards in an uncontrolled spasm of lust she cried out her surrender, her juices gushing out to cover Hulk-chan's face.

Even as Shampoo's spasms subsided, though, Hulk-chan was already moving, flipping Shampoo onto her back, pushing her backward down the bed as she drew her own body up. "Oh, no," she grinned, grabbing one of Shampoo's legs and lifting it high, "you don't get to quit now. I haven't cum yet!" Pulling Shampoo's leg up between her hugely inflated breasts, she straddled Shampoo's other leg, sliding her hips forward until the ridge of her pelvis bumped against Shampoo's soaked pussy.

With a growl of lust Hulk-chan began humping her hips against Shampoo's, leaning back and grinding her clit against Shampoo's cum-slickened lips. Faster and faster she rolled her hips, sending Shampoo's breasts to bouncing wildly with every stroke, her own tits jiggling and swaying with every wriggle of hip to hip. Soon the bed was rocking on its feet, the headboard slamming against the wall, the joints creaking ominously as the weight of two titanic women made wild Lesbian love.

Shampoo, all thought of the contest forgotten, squirmed and cooed on the bed, returning Hulk-chan's thrusts with her own hip-grinding. Loud squelching sounds came from the point where two sopping wet twats met, only growing louder as the motions became faster still, more violent, more urgent. Her moans and whimpers of delight merged with Hulk-chan's deeper-voiced cries, filling the room and almost drowning out the sounds made by the tortured old bed.

Shampoo climaxed again, her body locking up as she screamed through her orgasm. A few seconds later, leaning back as far as she could and pressing her cunt as hard against Shampoo's gushing hole as possible, Hulk-chan finally reached her peak, her green body stiffening with the massive detonation of every pleasure center within her body. When the waves of orgasm finally ended, the two women slumped heavily onto the bed... which collapsed, footboard, rails and headboard sheared apart by the fury of the sexual duel.

Hulk-chan glowed with pleasure, allowing the excess power of her prior overstimulation to bleed away, her body returning to proportions more in parallel with the Juggy-naut's body. Her eyes finally returned to focus, seeing Nodoka standing elegantly over the remains of the bed. Still in her chair, Nabiki finished off her last roll of film, her bikini bottoms looking noticably darker with dampness even as twin bullets bulged from the cups of her top.

"I judge Hulk-chan the winner," Nodoka said, then added, "Ladies, will you please stand up? It's undignified to lie in a jumble like that."

It took a few moments for Shampoo and Hulk-chan to untangle themselves, and as they stood, bent over slightly to keep their heads from bumping the ceiling, Nodoka continued, "Shampoo, I must have your word that you shall do nothing to interfere in any way with Hulk-chan's pursuit of my son."

This blunt statement ripped away the afterglow from Shampoo's face, leaving her face a mask of shame and misery. Crestfallen, she said, first in Chinese and then in slow, careful Japanese, "Shampoo swear, on honor as a warrior of the Amazon tribe, that I will not stand in any way between Hulk-chan and Ranma."

Nodoka nodded, turning her attention to Hulk-chan. "And you, Hulk-chan, will you permit Shampoo of the Amazons to continue her pursuit of my son?"

Hulk-chan thought about this for quite a few moments. "No," she said at last, "I won't..." Shampoo moaned with despair, but Hulk-chan grasped Shampoo's shoulders and turned to face her. "But if she's willing to share, I'll be more than happy to be her -partner- in the pursuit of my beloved Ranma!"

This statement short-circuited Shampoo's brain, and Nabiki's with it. "What?" both women asked.

"Do you mean to say that, if you marry my son," Nodoka said, "you would find Shampoo acceptable as a concubine?"

"Acceptable?" Hulk-chan grinned. "I can't wait to get in bed with the both of 'em! Shampoo's strong, she's cute, and she's a WONDERFUL fuck!" She actually -hugged- Shampoo close, adding, "And now that I don't have to worry about Shampoo stealing Ranma away, I don't mind sharing him at all!" She added, with a giggle, "If he doesn't mind sharing Shampoo, that is."

Tape recorder, Nabiki thought, why on Earth did I not bring my tape recorder to this?

"Excellent!" Nodoka pulled out her victory fans and began dancing with joy. "My son's manliness has brought these two women together! Shampoo, you have my permission to become concubine with my son! Feel free to begin making me illegitimate grandchildren at once!"

"Shampoo too too confused," Shampoo said.

"Who cares?" Hulk-chan grinned. "Let's go find Ranma and get started! You think your grandmother still has some of that hot water?"

"Actually," Cologne said from the doorway, hopping in nonchalantly, "I do, but I don't think it'll do much good. Son-in-Law is long gone."

"Gone??" the other women asked in a single voice.

"I believe he went off in search of Akane Tendo," Cologne said. "He was quite worried about her."

Cologne's words struck deep in Hulk-chan's heart. Ranma's worried about that bitch Akane... not me... Her bliss and excitement crashed instantly, replaced by the deep feeling of insecurity and weaknes that she was already becoming familiar with. "I, um, I'll go look for Ranma, then," she said, stumbling through the bedroom door and into the hallway.

"Aiyah!" Shampoo rummaged through the ruins of the bed, producing a couple of scraps of cloth. "Hulk-chan forget put swimsuit back on!"

"I'll go find her," Nabiki said, taking the swimsuit from Shampoo's hands. "She probably won't be far away." Not far at all, I think. Unless I'm mistaken, it's time for me to cover until Akane 'reappears'.

"And we have to set up the food cart for business," Cologne said. "Shampoo, your armbands, please."

Shampoo clashed her armbands together, and in a flash of light the abbreviated armor of the Unstoppable Juggy-naut reappeared over her tremendous assets. "Shampoo have much to think about," she said quietly. "Still not understand what Hulk-chan mean by sharing."

"Yes, yes," Cologne nodded, "just meet me back at the yattai, granddaughter." Without waiting for Shampoo she hopped out the back window, disappearing over the dunes piled around the house.

Nodoka smiled and grasped Shampoo's hands. "Oh, this brings back memories of my courtship of Genma," she said. "Shampoo, you shall be a wonderful concubine, I'm certain."

Shampoo not know who stranger, Shampoo thought, Hulk-chan who wants to share Airen, or Airen mother, who want Airen shared. How can a wife share a husband? Shampoo really need time to think...

"Hulk-chan?" Nabiki's voice called softly through the bathroom door. "Are you in there?"

"Stay out!" moaned Hulk-chan, gripping the side of the furo as waves of weakness flowed through her limbs. Her powerful muscles were melting away, fading along with the green of her skin, the free flow of her thoughts. Her breasts shrank steadily down from their bountiful spheres into modest mounds of pale pink flesh. Arms and legs grew shorter, losing their elegance and most of their strength. Her round butt flattened, losing its tone and curvature.

Damn... you... Akane... Hulk-chan managed to think before she lost the ability to think, as her eyes faded from green to brown. The last of her strength vanished, leaving her lying limp over the side of the empty bathtub, pale, ordinary Akane Tendo once more.

*knockknockknock* "Hello? Anyone in there?"

Slowly, carefully, Akane pushed herself onto her knees, then to her feet. Every muscle in her body felt like licorice whips, limp and loose. She swayed her way over to the door, opening it just wide enough to see Nabiki through the crack.

"Nabiki," she said very quietly, "I know why I feel so weak, and I can guess why I'm naked... but how did I get into this bathroom, and why do I feel like someone poured paste between my legs?"

"Oh, do I ever have a story to tell you," Nabiki smiled. "But first, let me get you some clothes while you take a cold bath... and for the Kamis' sake, make it a -thorough- bath."

"Oh, I can handle that," Akane said. "I smell like the used gym clothes in the girls' locker rooms back at Furinkan."

Meanwhile, Cologne hung from outside the furo's small window, smiling to herself. My suspicions were quite correct, she thought. Who else could it have been, who knew all about Son-in-Law's women and yet was unaccounted for when she first appeared?

Cologne dropped from the window, hopping her way towards the food cart. So this Hulk-chan is really Akane Tendo, she thought. Even more interesting, Ms. Tendo does not remember what Hulk-chan does. I wonder how this came to be?

No matter, Cologne thought. Now that I have confirmed Hulk-chan's true nature, I can make plans to separate, if need be, both aspects of Akane Tendo from Ranma. She hopped onto the Nekohanten food cart, beginning to empty it of the now useless hot water kettles, clearing things away for what promised to be a booming business.

I much doubt that Akane Tendo will be as willing to share Ranma as her alter ego is... but in any case, a share of Ranma Saotome is only a second-best outcome. For honor to be completely satisfied, Shampoo must have Ranma entirely to herself...

Besides, I haven't had this much fun in fifty years, and be damned if I'm going to give up my entertainment that easily.

Chuckling quietly to herself, Cologne set to work...

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