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October 22, 2008 - Well, stalled it was- and is. Commissions have the Manic snowed under- so please be patient for your next Stellar fix!
August 26, 2008 - Back- in COLOR! However, be warned that this strip will be stalled if Manic needs more time to work on the commissioned artwork he lives on...
July 7, 2008 - And here's the "cover" for the return of the regular Stellar story! Be sure to check the archives if you've lost track after all those amazons!
June 11, 2008 - A day late (through no fault of Manic's- I've been busy the last couple days- K.@WLP) we finally conclude the Amazon story! Now we'll go back to where the main story left off- with a million zillion invincible dragons making Stellar's day really, really suck! (That's the plan, anyway...)