White Lightning Productions 16286 FM 943 Livingston, TX 77351 (936) 685-4992
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Nipple Magician

Cast Previews Gallery Fan Art

Kouzou Shimokata Gallery

All images © 1999-2005 Kouzou Shimokata. They are provided for the promotion of Bootleg and other White Lightning Productions publications. Do not alter or distribute these images.

Neue Walkure Images

Image Image
Image Image Image Image
Image Image Image Animated GIF

Tea Room Pressen Images

Unpainted version
Image Image
Image Image Image Image

Fan artwork Images

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Image Image
Image Image Image Image
Image Image Image Image
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Miscellaneous Images

Image Image
Image Image
Completely nude version

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WLP Web Comics

Maid Attack
All Ages
Updated Saturdays

Chocolate Milkmaid
Adults Only
Updated Mondays

The Misadventures of Chichi-chan
Adults Only
Updated Wednesdays

Sex Puppies
Adults Only
Updated Fridays

Peter is the Wolf
Adults Only
Updated Saturdays

WLP Comic Books

Nipple Magician
Nipple Magician


The Magnificent Milkmaid
The Magnificent Milkmaid

Cream & Sugar
Cream & Sugar

WLP Games & Status

Henshin! I'm a Magical Girl!
All Ages Card Game
Status: Assembling Art

Sakura! It's a Love Comedy!
All Ages Card Game
Status: Beta Testing

Huckster (The REAL Con Game)
All Ages Card Game
Status: Design Work

Thieves & Adventurers: the T&A RPG
Adults Only RPG Book Status: Preliminary Design

White Lightning Productions

Nipple Magician Cast | Nipple Magician Page Previews | Nipple Magician Production Gallery | Nipple Magician Fan Works

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Since April 10, 2001

This page last updated November 1, 2006.